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Chaos in atomic, molecular and optical theory:From Abstract Mathematics to Patented Devices(原... [2004-06-21]
Turbulence and Protein Folding [2004-06-08]
Small-x Physics and Nucleus Collisions [2004-06-03]
磁性系统中组态演化、重构的一些理论研究 [2004-01-12]
天体物理实验室探讨——高能量超短脉冲和超强激光的应用 [2003-09-15]
Quantum phase-space tomography of the proton [2003-08-18]
微波背景辐射各向异性研究进展 [2003-08-08]
极小和极大尺度前沿研究的机遇和挑战 [2003-08-06]
自旋玻璃的统计物理学及其在组合优化问题上的应用 [2003-07-09]
Precision Tests of the Standard Model [2002-08-26]
1. On the mass gap for quantum Yang-Mills field theory
2. The deformation quantization
Why is the universe matter-antimatter asymmetric
欧拉-拉格朗日上同调、统计刘维定理和量子化 [2001-12-26]
Composite and fractional particles in condensed matter [2001-12-11]
Black Holes and Quantum Theory [2001-08-16]
全同金属量子点的生长与研究 [2001-08-15]
Linear Space Structure and Hamiltonian Formulation for Dissipative Systems
Matrix Field Theorists Try to Fold RNA [2001-07-10]
New Ice Phases in Nanoslit and Carbon Nanotube and Their Novel Phase Behavior [2001-06-19]
(因故取消)分子马达动力学 [2001-06-13]
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