Speaker : Professor John B. Delos College of William and Mary, USA Date : 2004-06-21 15:00 Venue :
基础科学园区报告厅 Abstract : 简单规律可以产生复杂的混沌运动。人们发现把原子放在磁场中,原子中电子的运动,以及光在弯曲腔中的运动都是混沌的。在本报告中,John B. Delos教授将要说明如何通过考察经典周期轨道理解这些体系的某些重要且有趣的行为,并将介绍保守体系混沌研究从数学到物理再到应用的发展过程。 #@#@报告人简介: #@John B. Delos #@Professor of Physics #@College of William and Mary, USA #@#@#@- Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1970#@
- 1989 - Fellow of the American Physical Society, "For his many contributions to the field of atomic and molecular collisions, and for providing insight into the relationships between the classical and quantal behavior of atomic systems."#@
- 1990 - Outstanding Scientist of Virginia, (presented by Governor D. Wilder for the Science Museum of Virginia)#@
- Vice Chair, Gordon Conference on Atomic Physics, 1995-7; #@
- Chair, Gordon Conference on Atomic Physics, 1997-9. #@
- Chair Line, Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, American Physical Society, 1999-2003. (Vice Chair 1999-2000, Incoming Chair 2000-1, Chair 2001-2, Past Chair 2002-3.) #@
#@To know more about him, please go to http://physics.wm.edu/People/Delos_cv.html. #@