(Seminar) A new theory for the local dynamics in disordered systems |
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CAS Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics |
Institute of Theoretical Physics |
Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Seminar |
题目 |
A new theory for the local dynamics in disordered systems | |
报告人 |
所在单位 |
University of Havana, Cuba |
日期 |
2019年8月1日,11:00-12:00 |
地点 |
ITP South Building 6420 |
摘要 |
We introduce a new solution to Glauber multi-spin dynamics on random graphs. The solution is based on the recently introduced Cavity Master Equation (CME), a time-closure turning the in principle exact Dynamic Cavity Method into a practical method of analysis and of fast simulation. We show that CME correctly models the ferromagnetic p-spin Glauber dynamics from high temperatures down to and below the spinoidal transition. We also show that CME allows a novel exploration of the low-temperature spin-glass phase of the mode. Moreover, we study local search algorithms to solve instances of the random k-satisfiability problem, equivalent to finding (if they exist) zero-energy ground states of statistical models with disorder on random hypergraphs. It is well known that the best such algorithms are akin to non-equilibrium processes in a high-dimensional space. In particular, algorithms known as focused, and which do not obey detailed balance, outperform simulated annealing and related methods in the task of finding the solution to a complex satisfiability problem, that is to find (exactly or approximately) the minimum in a complex energy landscape. A physical question of interest is if the dynamics of these processes can be well predicted by the well-developed theory of equilibrium Gibbs states. While it has been known empirically for some time that this is not the case, an alternative systematic theory that does so has been lacking. In this work we introduce such a theory and test it on the paradigmatic random 3-satisfiability problem. |
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