(Seminar) Pfaffian Diagrams for Gluon Tree Amplitudes |
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CAS Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics |
Institute of Theoretical Physics |
Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Seminar |
题目 |
Pfaffian Diagrams for Gluon Tree Amplitudes |
报告人 |
C.S. Lam |
所在单位 |
McGill/UBC |
日期 |
2018年5月28日 13:00 |
地点 |
Conference Room 6420, ITP new building |
摘要 |
n-gluon scattering amplitudes are usually represented by Feynman diagrams. In this talk, I will discuss a completely different diagrammatic description based on the CHY theory. Whereas Feynman diagrams build up the final amplitufe from local interactions and propagations, pfaffian diagrams give an integral approach describing the final result in one shot. They may be thought of as a way to regroup Feynman diagrams with similar numerators in the amplitude. This regrouping produce subsets of diagrams that are gauge-invariant for n-2 gluons, a property that is very useful in checking correctness of the calculation. Since the amplitude has been partly processed, Pfaffian diagrams often give rise to fewer number of terms than Feynman diagrams. |
Contact person
所内联系人 |
Song He |