ALP miracle: a simple unification of inflation and dark matter |
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CAS Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics |
Institute of Theoretical Physics |
Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Seminar |
题目 |
ALP miracle: a simple unification of inflation and dark matter |
报告人 |
殷文 |
所在单位 |
IHEP, Beijing |
日期 |
2017年10月20日(周五)下午4:00 |
地点 |
摘要 |
We propose a scenario where both inflation and dark matter are described by a single axion-like particle (ALP) in a unified manner. In a class of the minimal axion hilltop inflation, the effective masses at the maximum and minimum of the potential have equal magnitude but opposite sign, so that the ALP inflaton is light both during inflation and in the true vacuum. After inflation, most of the ALPs decay and evaporate into plasma through a coupling to photons, and the remaining ones become dark matter. We find that the observed CMB and matter power spectrum as well as the dark matter abundance point to an ALP of mass mϕ=(0.01−0.1) eV and the axion-photon coupling gϕγγ=(10^−11) GeV^−1, which are within reach of future solar axion helioscope experiments IAXO, TASTE and laser-based stimulated photon-photon collider experiments: ALP miracle. This region is hinted by several anomalies. The thermalized ALP particles contribute to hot dark matter and its abundance is given in terms of the effective number of extra neutrino species, ΔNeff≃0.03, which can be tested by the future CMB and BAO observations. We also discuss possible extensions of the ALP miracle scenario by introducing other interactions of the axion-like particle to the standard model fields. |
Contact person
所内联系人 |
杨金民 |