太极计划数据分析系列报告之二:Theoretical issues related to data analysis of space-based gravitational wave detector |
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Institute of Theoretical Physics |
Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics |
Seminar |
题目 |
太极计划数据分析系列报告之二:Theoretical issues related to data analysis of space-based gravitational wave detector |
报告人 |
曹周键 |
所在单位 |
日期 |
2017-08-18 10:00 |
地点 |
ITP New Building 6420 |
摘要 |
LIGO has detected gravitational wave directly. The theoretical development played an important role in such a success. LISA-like space-based gravitational wave detectors will open another frequency window for gravitational wave astronomy. In particular, such a frequency window will provide us an opportunity to look into the early universe, the large structure formation process of our universe, detail check of gravitational theory based on supper massive black hole and others. But also due to the different frequency window to LIGO detectors, different gravitational wave sources are expected. Because of different detecting instrument, the data structure is also different to that of LIGO detectors. So many related theoretical issues different to LIGO detection are raised. I will discuss such issues in this talk. |
Contact person
所内联系人 |
郭宗宽 |