Novel BPS Wilson loops in three dimensional quiver super-Chern-Simons Theories |
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Institute of Theoretical Physics |
Chinese Academy of Sciences |
State Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics |
Seminar |
题目 |
Novel BPS Wilson loops in three dimensional quiver super-Chern-Simons Theories |
报告人 |
吴俊宝 |
所在单位 |
日期 |
10:00, Nov 26 (Thursday), 2015 |
地点 |
Conference Hall 322, ITP/理论物理所322报告厅 |
摘要 |
Three-dimensional super Chern-Simons theories are very interesting and important. BPS Wilson loops in such theories include Gaiotto-Yin (GY) type and Drukker-Trancanelli (DT) type. Fermionic fields appear in the second type of BPS Wilson loops. Previously people only found such loop operators in 3d N=5, 6 super Chern-Simons theories. We recently constructed the half-BPS Wilson loops in 3d N=4 theory which can be obtained from orbifolding N=6 theory. More recently, we found such supersymmetric DT-type Wilson loops in a large class of N=2 theories. We also found that in N=4 (N=6) theories, generical DT-type Wilson lines are 1/4 (1/6)-BPS. They preserved the same supersymmetries as the GY type Wilson loops.Only for specail parameters, the preserved supersymmetries are enhanced to one half. This talk is mainly based on joint work with Hao Ouyang and Jia-ju Zhang. Previous related work done with Bin Chen and Meng-Qi Zhu will also be briefly mentioned. |