Quasi-Local Energy and Angular Momentum for Axisymmetric Metrics---引力联合讨论班之三十 |
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Quasi-Local Energy and Angular Momentum for Axisymmetric Metrics---引力联合讨论班之三十 |
Prof. James M. Nester |
MSC, Tsinghua and National Central U, Taiwan |
2014-01-02 AM 10:00 Thursday |
ITP New Building 6420,理论物理研究所新楼四层多媒体教室 |
With a suitable vector field and an appropriate reference our preferred boundary term for the gravitational Hamiltonian can give values for the quasi-local quantities. On the 2-surface boundary of a region we have proposed [arXiv: 1307.1510] using 4D isometric matching between the dynamic spacetime and the reference geometry along with energy extremization to find the “best” reference and quasi-Killing vectors. Here we consider the axisymmetric spacetime case. For the Kerr metric in particular we can explicitly solve the equations to get an exact expression for the quasi-local boundary term and determine the values of our optimal quasi-local energy and angular momentum [arXiv:1307.1039]. |
蔡荣根 | |