Acoustic spectrum of vortex lattice in magnetic-field-induced superconducting phase of QCD---引力联合讨论班之二十一 |
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学术报告 |
Acoustic spectrum of vortex lattice in magnetic-field-induced superconducting phase of QCD---引力联合讨论班之二十一 |
Maxim Chernodub |
CNRS, University of Tours, France |
2013-10-23 AM 10:00 Wednesday |
ITP New Building 6420,理论物理研究所新楼四层多媒体教室 |
In the background of a sufficiently strong magnetic field the vacuum was suggested to become an ideal electric conductor (highly anisotropic superconductor) due to an interplay between the strong and electromagnetic forces. The superconducting ground state resembles the Abrikosov lattice state in an ordinary type--II superconductor: it is an inhomogeneous structure made of a (charged vector) quark-antiquark condensate which is pierced by vortices parallel to the magnetic field axis. In this talk the acoustic (phonon) vibrational modes of the vortex lattice at zero temperature are discussed. We show that in the infrared limit the transverse acoustic vibrations of the vortex lattice possess a quadratic dispersion relation corresponding to type II Nambu--Goldstone modes, while the longitudinal modes are always linear in momentum similarly to type I Nambu--Goldstone bosons. Due to absence of matter and temperature effects, the acoustic modes are not dissipative. The phonon fluctuations may melt the vortex lattice into a vortex liquid. |
蔡荣根 |