First direct Penning trap mass measurements on transfermium elements |
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Institute of Theoretical Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences |
学术报告 |
Title 题目 |
First direct Penning trap mass measurements on transfermium elements |
Speaker 报告人 |
Michael Dworschak(吴侠客) |
Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung (GSI), Darmstadt, Germany |
Date 日期 |
2009-11-26 AM 10:00 Thursday |
Venue 地点 |
Conference Hall 322, ITP/理论物理所322报告厅 |
Abstract 摘要 |
The Penning trap mass spectrometer SHIPTRAP at GSI Darmstadt allows precision mass measurements of heavy radionuclides produced in fusion evaporation reactions and separated by the velocity filter SHIP. Recently, mass measurements of the three nobelium isotopes 252,253,254 No - which were produced by shooting a 48 Ca beam on a PbS target - were performed. These were the first direct mass measurements of transfermium elements ever performed. The lower limit of the production cross section for measurements in Penning traps was set down to only 400 nb. These results mark the first step in the exploration of masses of even heavier nuclides which is planned at SHIPTRAP. The main objective is to measure the endpoints of alpha decay chains which are leading to superheavy elements in the region of the predicted island of stability.
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