Speaker : 李躍先 教授 University of British Columbia, Canada Date : 2009-07-15 16:00 Venue :
Conference Hall 322, ITP/理论物理所322报告厅 Abstract : In this talk, we propose a new mechanism for generating oscillatory fronts in a system of two
reaction-diffusion (R-D) equations. The equations describe a network of two proteins A and B
that interact through regulating each other's rate of synthesis by acting on the their respective
controlling genes. Both proteins exert positive influence on their own rate of synthesis and
degrade through a first order reaction. Protein A promotes the synthesis of B while B inhibits
the synthesis of A. In this network, coexistence between two or more stable spatially uniform
states often occurs. If the diffusion of B is much faster than that of A, spatially non-uniform
fronts often arise and coexist with the stable uniform states through a mechanism that is
different from Turing's. The location of the front is dependent on the average level of B, the
length of the space, and some key parameters. The front can be destabilized giving rise to
either traveling or oscillatory fronts. The latter resembles the breathing or tango waves observed
in some other R-D systems. By reducing the system into a shadow system and assuming an abrupt
"on-and-off" switch for the genes, we are able to solve all the stationary solutions that are monotone
in space and study their stability. Extension of this analysis to the existence and stability of
non-montone, multi-peak stationary and oscillatory solutions will also be discussed.
(This talked is based on a work co-authored with Dr. Heather Hardway.)