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Efficiency, robustness and stochasticity of phage λ genetic switch
2009-06-24     Text Size:  A
Speaker : 敖平 教授 上海交通大学系统生物医学研究院
Date : 2009-06-24 10:00
Venue : ITP New Building 6420, 理论物理研究所新楼四层多媒体教室
Abstract :

Phage λ is one of the most studied biological models in modern molecular biology. Over the past 50 years quantitative experimental knowledge on this biological model has been accumulated at all levels: physics, chemistry, genomics, proteomics, functions, and more. All its components have been known to a great detail. The theoretical task has been to integrate its components to make the organism working quantitatively in a harmonic manner. This would test our biological understanding and would lay a solid fundamental for further explorations and applications, an obvious goal of systems biology. One of the outstanding challenges in doing so has been the so-called stability puzzle of λ switch: the biologically observed robustness and the difficulty in mathematical reconstruction based on known experimental values. In this chapter we review the recent theoretical and experimental efforts on tackling this problem. An emphasis is put on the minimum quantitative modeling where a successful numerical agreement between experiments and modeling has been achieved. A novel method tentatively named stochastic dynamical structure analysis emerged from such study is also discussed within a broad modeling perspective.

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