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Conductivity of Ferritin Proteins
2004-05-24     Text Size:  A
Speaker : Robert C. Davis 教授 Department of Physics and Astronomy
Brigham young University
Date : 2004-05-24 15:00
Venue : Conference Hall 322, ITP/理论物理所322报告厅
Abstract : I will present electrical measurement on the conductivity of ferritin molecules by conductive AFM. The high stability of ferritin relative to other proteins makes them attractive for nanotechnology applications such as nanoscale batteries. Ferritins are very stable, biological molecules found widely distributed in nature that are responsible for metabolic control of iron in living systems. Ferritins consist of 24 protein subunits that are arrayed to form spherical molecules ~12 nm in external diameter with a hollow interior about 8 nm in diameter. The hollow ferritin interior can be filled with up to 4500 iron atoms as Fe(OH)3. Ferritin molecules were self assembled on gold surfaces to form a single ferritin monolayer. AFM was used to study the assembly process and to conductive AFM was used to measure the conductivity of individual ferritin molecules.
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