Thermal and electric transport near quantum phase transitions in condensed matter, and in dyonic black holes |
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Speaker : Prof. Subir Sachdev Harvard University Date : 2007-07-04 16:00 Venue :
ITP New Building 6620, 理论物理研究所新楼六层报告厅 Abstract : We present a#@general hydrodynamic theory of transport in the vicinity#@ofsuperfluid-insulator transitions in two spatial dimensions described#@by"Lorentz"-invariant quantum critical points. We allow for a weak#@impurityscattering rate, a magnetic field B, and a deviation in the#@density,
ho, fromthat of the insulator. With reasonable estimates for#@the parameters, ourresultspredict a magnetic field and temperature#@dependence of the Nernst signal whichresembles measurements in the#@cuprates, including the overall magnitude.We also present exact results#@for the zero frequency transport co-efficients ofa supersymmetric#@conformal field theory (CFT), which is solvable by the#@AdS/CFTcorrespondence. This correspondence maps the
ho and B#@perturbations of the 2+1dimensional CFT to electric and magnetic charges#@of a black hole in the 3+1dimensional anti-de Sitter space. These exact#@results are found to be in fullagreement with the general predictions of#@our hydrodynamic analysis in theappropriate limiting regime.#@