CAS Members

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  • Name: He, Zuoxiu
  • Title: Professor
  • Office: 315
  • Fax: 010-62562587
  • Highest Education: Undergraduate
  • Phone: 010-62569352
  • Email:

    Education and Appointments:

  • 1927.7.27

    Zuo-Xiu He, Research Professor, was born.


    He graduated from Tsinghua University. He is also the Professor and Doctorial Tutor in Department of Philosophy, Peking University.

    1978 - 1984

    He was the vice-director of ITP-CAS


    elected to be Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

    He has been mainly engaged in scientific research in theoretical physics for many years, and at the same time his interest has covered many different fields such as history of sciences, natural dialectics, philosophy and political economy and has made important contributions as well. In his study of physics, he carried out deep-going investigations on the weak interactions. He was one of the main authors of series of papers on the straton model which was formulated in the middle of sixties. Later on he was working on the quantum field theory of composite particles, the dark matter problem in the cosmology, especially the neutrino-mass problem.

    During this period he published more than 150 papers in physics, and as one of the main contributors he was awarded the National Natural Sciences Prize, second class. Prof. He is also one of the pioneers in studying the theory of H-bomb. His activities in social sciences has resulted in more than 200 published papers, many of them has had important impact on practice.

    In the last decade he has played a leading role in the fight against the pseudo-sciences by revealing its fallacy and rearing the scientific spirits.


    Recently Prof. He has been mainly interested in energy problem in China, and in close collaboration with Prof. Y.T. Chen from USTC, he is developing some new approaches to harness the solar energy.

    Research Direction:

  • Quantum Field Theory and Microscopic Structure of Matter