CAS Members

Location: Home>People>CAS Members
  • Name: Zou, Bingsong
  • Title: Professor
  • Office: 203
  • Fax: 010-62562587
  • Highest Education: PhD
  • Phone: 010-62562584
  • Email:

    Education and Appointments:

  • Education

    1987 - 1990

    Ph.D Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS, Beijing

    1984 - 1987

    M.S. Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, Beijing

    1980 - 1984

    B.S. Peking University, Beijing


    2012.06 - Present

    Professor, Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS, Beijing

    2012.06 - 2017.08

    Acting Director, Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS, Beijing

    2007.09 - 2012.08

    Director, Theoretical Physics Center for Science Facilities, CAS, Beijing

    2005.07 - 2012.07

    Director, Theory Division, IHEP, CAS, Beijing

    2004.04 - 2009.04

    Deputy Director, Theoretical Nuclear Physics Center, National Lab of Heavy Ion Accelerator, Lanzhou

    2006.06 - 2009.06

    Concurrent Professor, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei

    2001.07 - 2005.07

    Deputy Director, Theory Division, IHEP, CAS, Beijing

    1998.06 - 2012.06

    Professor, Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Beijing

    1992.11 - 1998.09

    RA, Queen Mary College, London; working at Rutherford Appleton Lab, Oxfordshire

    1990.12 - 1992.11

    Postdoctoal Fellow, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland

    Research Interests

    Hadron physics, Intermediate and high energy nuclear physics



    Hu Jimin Nuclear Education and Scientific Research Award by Chinese Nuclear Physics Society


    Outstanding Achievement Award for Scholars returned from Abroad by six ministries of China


    Wu Youxun Physics Award by Chinese Physics Society

    Other Academic Services

    1. Member of Editorial Boards for the journals “Nucl. Phys. A” , “Chin. Phys. C”, “Comm. Theor. Phys.”, “Sci. China G”.

    2. Co-Chairman for the international conferences MENU2004, QNP09.

    3. IAC member for international conference series NSTAR, MENU, HADRON, PANIC, MESON, BARYON, STORI, QNP, FB, APFB.

    4. Member of Science Committees of IHEP, ITP, BEPC National Lab, Lanzhou HIA National Lab.

    Research Direction:

  • Hadron physics, Medium and high energy nuclear physics