CAS Members

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  • Name: Wu, Yueliang
  • Title: Professor
  • Office: 6311
  • Fax: 010-62562587
  • Highest Education: Ph.D.
  • Phone: 010-62582368
  • Email:

    Education and Appointments:

  • 1962

    Yue-Liang Wu was born.


    He was graduated from Nanjing University.


    He received his Ph.D degree at the Institute of Theoretical Physics (ITP), Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS).

    1987 - 1993

    He worked on particle physics in Dortmund University and Mainz University.

    1993 - 1996

    He continued his research on particle physics in the Carneige-Mellon University and Ohio State University under the support of Department of Energy (DOE) of UAS.


    He returned to the ITP-CAS as the professor of theoretical physics and became the leader of Division I.

    2006 - 

    He has served as the Director of Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics China at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

    2003 - 2007

    He was the vice director of the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.


    He was appointed as the Director of the Institute and elected as the Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

    Professor Yue-Liang Wu is working on the elementary particle physics, quantum field theory and cosmology.

    Research direction

    is mainly on symmetry and symmetry breaking mechanism, the microscopic structure of matter and the origin of early universe, the unification of very small and very large scale physics (from elementary particles to universe). The main research areas include: CP violation and matter-antimatter asymmetry, quark-lepton flavor physics and origin of mass, neutrino physics and new physics, quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and quark confinement, regularization and renormalization of quantum field theory, chiral dynamics and effective field theory, supersymmetry and unification theory, dark matter and dark energy, inflationary universe etc. His work on CP violation and quark-lepton flavor physics has been recognized world-wide.

    His achievements should be important for exploring the basic laws of nature and probing the fundamental structure of matter. He has been invited to present plenary talks in the international conferences and workshops. In fact, he has organized and chaired several important international conferences and workshops, some of them have become the series ones. He has published two proceedings books and invited to serve as the member of editorial board of several international and domestic journals.

    His research works were supported by the key projects of National Sciences Fund and Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 1996, he won the national science fund for outstanding young scientists. In 2000, he got the support from the CAS program of Recruiting Outstanding Overseas Chinese. In 2003, he was awarded as the returned distinguished Scholar by the six Ministries of government including ministry of sciences and technology etc. In 2005, he won the state award of National Natural Science Prize.

    Research Direction:

  • Quantum Field Theory and Microscopic Structure of Matter