
Faculty positions Available in 2023

Source Nov 22,2022

The Institute of Theoretical Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (ITP-CAS) (http://english.itp.cas.cn) is calling for applications for faculty positions in 2023. Research areas include but not limited to: 1) Theoretical particle physics and nuclear physics, 2) Quantum field theory and superstring theory, 3) Gravitational theory, astrophysics and cosmology, 4) Statistical physics, theoretical biophysics and bioinformatics, 5) Condensed matter theory, 6) Quantum physics, quantum information and interaction between light and matter, 7) Theory of intense laser matter interactions, and 8) New areas of theoretical physics or related interdisciplinary fields. Excellent young scientists working on theoretical study of intense laser matter interactions and new areas of theoretical physics or related interdisciplinary fields are particularly encouraged to apply.                                                                

ITP-CAS will provide a competitive salary and good working conditions for successful applicants.

  1. Tenure-track associate professors (through Overseas Excellent Young Scientists Fund Program)

The applicant should be under 40 years old and have held full-time research positions in overseas institutions for more than 36 months after receiving his/her Ph.D. degree.

When submitting the applications, the applicant should have been working less than one year with a full -time position in the mainland of China or have not taken a full time position in the mainland of China.

The successful applicant should work full-time in the mainland of China more than 3 years.

  2. Tenure-track associate professors (through CAS talents’ program)

The applicant should be under 40 years old and have a minimum of three years’ research or working experience in an overseas institution after receiving his/her Ph.D. degree.

  3. Fixed-term (3 to 5 years) associate professors

The applicant should be under 40 years old and have a minimum of two years’ research experience after receiving his/her Ph.D. degree.

  4. Research assistants (through CAS Special Research Assistants’ program)

The applicant should be under 35 years old and have post-doctoral working experiences. Outstanding fresh Ph.D. graduates may also be considered. Before submitting the application, please contact one of the following contact persons.

Research Areas for Research Assistants


Research Area

Contact Person


New physics in particle, hadron and nuclear physics (Neutrinos, dark matter, dark photons and axions)

Prof. Jianghao Yu (jhyu@itp.ac.cn)


Dark matter, origin of matter in the early universe and detection of gravitational waves

Prof. Yufeng Zhou (yfzhou@itp.ac.cn)


String theory and quantum field theory

Prof. Wei Li (weili@itp.ac.cn)


New structures in quantum field theory and applications

Prof. Song He (songhe@itp.ac.cn)


Statistical physics of neural systems

Prof. Haijun Zhou (zhouhj@itp.ac.cn)


Interdisciplinary field of machine learning, soft matter and spin glasses

Prof. Yuliang Jin (yuliangjin@itp.ac.cn)


Many-body calculations and correlated quantum matter

Prof. Wei Li (w.li@itp.ac.cn)


Theoretical study of intense laser matter interactions and new areas of theoretical physics or related interdisciplinary fields

Prof. Shangui Zhou (sgzhou@itp.ac.cn)


The application for positions of type 1, type 2, and type 3 should consist of: 1) Cover letter, 2) Curriculum vitae, 3) A list of publications together with citations of each paper, 4) Research statement and plan, 5) Three to five representative publications, and 6) At least three references sent directly by referees (for the CAS talents’ program, at least one reference should be from the applicant’s Ph.D. supervisor).

The application for positions of type 4 should consist of: 1) Cover letter and curriculum vitae, 2) A list of publications together with citations of each paper, 3) copies of Ph. D. degree and graduation certificates, 4) Research statement and plan with no more than 2 pages, 5) One to three representative publications, and 6) at least two references sent directly by referees (one should be from the applicant’s Ph.D. supervisor).

These files (in PDF) should be sent via emails to Ms. Guo (Email: zhaopin@itp.ac.cn; Tel: 86-10-6256 0951). The deadline for receipt of applications is Jan. 31, 2023.