
Peng Huanwu Visiting Professor Program(2020)

Source Sep 17,2019


The Peng Huanwu Innovation Research Center for Theoretical Physics affiliated to the Institute of Theoretical Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences (ITP-CAS) (http://english.itp.ac.cn) now accepts applications for the Peng Huanwu Visiting Professor Program for 2020. The Center, funded by the National Science Foundation of China, was established in 2017 to promote original research and collaboration in theoretical physics. Starting from 2018, the Center will offer a short-term visiting program for scholars from all disciplines of theoretical physics and interdisciplinary studies.        

  •        Eligibility: theoretical physicists with an academic rank at or above associate professor level       
  •        Application deadline: Nov. 15, 2019       
  •        Stipend: 36,000 RMB per month       
  •        Appointment term: from 1 month up to 3 months        
  •        Travel: ITP-CAS will provide a round-trip airfare to Beijing at economy rate       
  •        Housing: guest house with competitive rent rate is available       

To apply, please send your CV, research plan (1 or 2 pages), and cover letter (with preferred period of stay) to Mr. Fang (Email: fangxiao@itp.ac.cn).