
Research faculty positions opening

Source Oct 13,2016

The Institute of Theoretical Physics at Chinese Academy of Sciences (ITP-CAS) seeks to fill research faculty positions (permanent and fixed-term positions). Areas of interest include  1) Condensed Matter Theory, 2) Quantum Physics and Quantum Information, 3) Theoretical Nuclear and Particle Physics, Quantum Field Theory , 4) String Theory and physics of the early universe, 5) Gravitational Theory and Astrophysics, 6) Statistical Physics, Theoretical Biophysics and Bioinformatics. Applications from other areas of theoretical physics or related interdisciplinary fields are also welcomed. Information about ITP-CAS can be found at http://english.itp.cas.cn/.

Applicants must hold a PhD degree in theoretical physics and have demonstrated ability to conduct outstanding researches. Successful candidates are expected to do independent, innovative researches and encouraged to develop new interdisciplinary research directions. We offer competitive start-up resources and benefits.

Candidates should submit:

1) a curriculum vitae including a list of publications, 2) a summary of research accomplishments, 3) a statement of research interests and research plan, 4) three to five representative publications, 5) impacts and citations of publications, and 6) at least three letters of recommendation (for applicants of position B, need to be provided by overseas scientists) sent directly by referees. All application materials should be submitted electronically as PDF files to Ms. Shuting Guo at facjobs@itp.ac.cn. The deadline of application is Dec. 30, 2016 .


Applicants must have a doctoral degree in theoretical physics and have three-consecutive-years of overseas study or research experience at least. There will be flexible for extraordinary candidates in the year of study or research experience. The applicant should receive his doctoral degree within 5 years when submitting the application materials.


Applicants, who hold a doctoral degree, should have full- time overseas research experience of three -consecutive-years or more after obtaining the degree. This can be flexible for extraordinary candidates who obtain their doctoral degrees in well- known overseas universities. The candidate should be under 40 years old and have a formal position in well- known overseas university or research institute.