
Mini-Workshop on hadronic weak physics and new physics with medium energy nucleon beams

Source Sep 20,2016
Sept.20 (Wednesday)  Rm#322 in old building,老楼322会议室

  09:00  Ulf-G. Meissner (Bonn Univ.):    Hadronic Parity Violation in chiral EFT 

  09:45  Xu-Rong Chen (IMP, Lanzhou) :  Search for Hadronic Parity Violation at ADS 

  10:25  coffee break 

  10:50  Xiao-yuan Li (ITP):  Intensity frontier of particle physics at CSNS, CADS & HIAF 

  11:30  Chien Yeah Seng (Shanghai JTU) :  Hadron physics in P and CP-violation 

  12:10   lunch and discussions 


Sept. 21(Thursday) Rm#322 in old building,老楼322会议室

  09:00 Ye Yuan (IHEP): Muon source and physics at CSNS 

  09:40 Yu-Qi Chen (ITP):  Overview of Muonic Atom Physics 

  10:20 coffee break 

  10:50 Jing Shu (ITP) :  EDMs with proton beam ?