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Apparent w<-1 and a Lower S8 from Dark Axion and Dark Baryons Interactions

03/28 2025 Seminar
  • Title Apparent w<-1 and a Lower S8 from Dark Axion and Dark Baryons Interactions
  • Speaker Meng-Xiang Lin (University of Pennsylvania)
  • Date 10:00 AM, Mar. 28, 2025
  • Venue 【Zoom Meeting:, Meeting ID: 876 1577 6966, Passcode: 194553 】 【Live Streaming on Koushare Platform:】
  • Abstract

    We show that a simple coupling between dark energy and dark matter can simultaneously address two distinct hints at new physics coming from cosmological observations. The first is the recent evidence from the DESI project and supernovae observations that the dark energy equation of state~$w$ is evolving over cosmic time from an earlier value that is~$<-1$ to a present-day value~$>-1$. The second observation is the so-called~$S_8$ tension, describing the suppression of the growth of matter overdensities compared to that expected in the~$\Lambda$CDM model. We propose a stable, technically natural particle physics implementation of this idea, in which dark matter consists of dark baryons in a strongly-coupled hidden sector, and the dark energy field is the associated dark axion. The time-variation of the dark matter mass results in an effective dark energy equation of state that exhibits a phantom crossing behavior consistent with recent results. It also results in a slight delay in matter-radiation equality, which suppresses the overall growth of density perturbations.


    Dr. Meng-Xiang Lin is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow of Center of Particle Cosmology at University of Pennsylvania. Before going to UPenn, he did his undergrad at Peking University and PhD at University of Chicago. He is generally interested in various topics of theoretical cosmology. Specifically, his work mainly focuses on testing fundamental physics and searching for new physics using the cosmological and gravitational waves observations. You can find more information in his personal website:

    Inviter: Shao-Jiang Wang