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A PT symmetric holographic metal
- Title A PT symmetric holographic metal
- Speaker René Meyer (University of Würzburg)
- Date 11:00 AM, Mar. 18, 2025
- Venue 【Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89531147499?pwd=1XRFtkPC8rnNQkOw8IMPbcSh7lbprH.1, Meeting ID: 895 3114 7499, Passcode: 275661】【Live Streaming on Koushare Platform: https://www.koushare.com/live/details/41171】
Investigations of non-hermitian quantum systems recently has drawn much interest in the field of holography and the AdS/CFT correspondence. In this talk, I will focus on non-hermiticity of the PT symmetric type and, after a short introduction into the subject, present new results for a PT symmetric system of interest in holography: I will discuss our recent [1] investigation of the phase structure and the interaction induced quantum critical conductivity in a PT symmetric non-hermitian holographic metal. In particular, the conductivity shows interesting new features in the different phases, which are qualitatively reproduced in a PT symmetrically deformed version of Landau-Ginzburg theory. I will end up with a discussion of possible future investigations in this model.
[1] Z.Y. Xian, D. Rodriguez-Fernandez, Z.H. Chen, Y. Liu, R. Meyer, SciPost Physics 16 (2024)
Professor René Meyer received his Ph.D. from LMU Munich, in 2009. He conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Crete (2009-12), IPMU (2012-15) and Stony Brook U. (2015-16). Since 2016, he has been working at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (Germany). His research primarily focuses on high-energy physics, AdS/CFT correspondence, string theory, and quantum information theory.
Inviter: Li Li