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"Who Ordered That?" — Muons for New Physics

07/15 2024 Colloquium
  • Title "Who Ordered That?" — Muons for New Physics
  • Speaker Tao Han (University of Pittsburgh)
  • Date 14:00 Jul. 15, 2024
  • Venue 6620
  • Abstract
    Who Ordered That? I.I. Rabi asked this question when a new particle, the muon, was discovered in 1936. Ever since, this unexpected particle has constantly brought us more surprises, leading to the discoveries of the pion, parity violation, charm and bottom quarks, neutrinos and flavor physics, the precision measurement of its magnetic dipole moment (g-2), as well as applications in material science and muon tomography, opening an avenue in front of us to new physics and new technology. After a historical overview, I will discuss a new aspect — a high energy muon collider. Due to the recent technological breakthroughs for muon cooling, the muon collider program has regained its momentum. I will present the idea and the current status for a muon collider and discuss the rich physics potential in exploring the physics beyond the Standard Model with a multi-TeV muon collider at the energy frontier.

    Tao Han is Distinguished Professor of High Energy Physics at the University of Pittsburg, and the founding Director of the Pittsburgh Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology Center. Tao Han's research has focused on new physics exploration at colliders, phenomenological formulation of theoretical models, and exploring physics potentials for various future high-energy colliders.  Tao Han was elected a Fellow of APS in 2003 and a Fellow of AAAS in 2019. He is an elected general member of Aspen Center for Physics and of CTEQ. He was 2021 Chair of APS Division of Particles and Fields, Chair for the 2020 APS April Meeting, and on the Chair-line and Steering Committee for the US particle physics Community Planning Exercise of Snowmass 2021, and Co-chair of the APS-DPF annual meeting held in Pittsburgh in 2024.

    Jiang-Hao Yu