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Dissipative Effects as New Observables for Cosmological?Phase Transitions

12/29 2023 Seminar
  • Title Dissipative Effects as New Observables for Cosmological?Phase Transitions
  • Speaker Huai-Ke Guo (UCAS ICTP-AP)
  • Date 15:00pm-17:00pm Dec. 29, 2023
  • Venue South Building 6620 Tencet No.: 424-626-010
  • Abstract
    We show that dissipative effects during cosmological first order phase transitions lead to a frequency-dependent suppression for the usually dominant gravitational wave production from sound waves, through an analytical modelling of the source based on the sound shell model. This damping effect is more pronounced for high frequencies or small scales, and modifies the spectral shape and possibly the peak frequency. These modifications can be used to reveal more information about the underlying particle interactions, serving as a way of breaking the parameter degeneracy that plagues particle physics studies based on the perfect fluid approximation.


    Huai-Ke Guo is currently an associate professor at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He got his PHD from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2016, and did postdocs at the Institute of Theoretical Physics (CAS), the University of Oklahoma, and the University of Utah. He joined UCAS in 2023. His research lies in the gravitational wave detection at LIGO and in the studies of fundamental physics with gravitational waves on the theory side.


    Shao-Jiang Wang