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Dipolar quantum gas of Dysprosium: quantum droplets and supersolidity

06/30 2023 Seminar
  • Title Dipolar quantum gas of Dysprosium: quantum droplets and supersolidity
  • Speaker Ming-Yang Guo (SUSTC)
  • Date 14:00 Jun. 30, 2023
  • Venue 6620, South Building
  • Abstract
    Ultracold quantum gas is now an exotic research area for implementing precision measurements, studying quantum many-body physics, as well as realizing quantum simulation and computation. Dipolar quantum gases with long-range and anisotropic dipolar interaction, provide extra possibility and controllability to realize novel quantum phases. In this talk, I will introduce the results on the discovery of novel dipolar quantum droplets and the supersolid state of matter. The dipolar quantum droplets, like normal fluid, can be self-bound and feature low compressibility, but maintain superfluidity. With arrays of these droplets, we realized the long-sought exotic supersolid state, which features frictionless flow of a superfluid and crystalline structure of a solid simultaneously, therefore breaking both the U(1) gauge symmetry and the continuous translation symmetry. The genuine supersolidty was demonstrated by detecting the low-energy Goldstone mode that directly associated with the order parameters of the two broken symmetries. Furthermore, mechanism of the spontaneous crystallization, softening of the roton modes, was also investigated both theoretically and experimentally across the phase transition. Finally, I will also brief introduce the efforts to extend supersolidity to two dimensions. The realization of quantum droplets and supersolidity is rather exciting, but just a small part of the wealth of dipolar quantum gases, there are still plenty of interesting many-body physics to be investigated and explored.

    Su Yi