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Parafermionization and Condensation, Zn Para-fusion Categories and beyond

10/08 2022 Seminar
  • Title Parafermionization and Condensation, Zn Para-fusion Categories and beyond
  • Speaker 陈晋 (厦门大学)
  • Date 2022年10月8日 15:30
  • Venue 理论物理所南楼6620
  • Abstract
    In recent years, our understanding on (categorical) symmetries has been greatly evolved in terms of topological defect surfaces in QFTs of various dimensions. In this talk, I will discuss the features of a class of topological defect lines (TDLs) which correspond to (non-invertible) 0-form or 1-form symmetries in 2d parafermionic CFTs or 3d anyon theories respectively. The talk is three-folded that we can study these TDLs in a pure 2d CFT perspective via a bottom-up approach; Or we can lift the TDLs into 3d anyon theories and understand them from the viewpoint of parafermionic condensation in a top-down way; In addition, I will also explain the mathematical structures behind the TDLs in parafermion/anyon theories, in terms of a generalized fusion category, Zn para-fusion categories.