From Director

Since its foundation in 1978, the ITP has been strongly committed to its missions as a center of excellence for basic research in theoretical studies of physics and related areas, a base for cultivating innovative talents and a platform for domestic and international scientific exchanges and collaborations. 

Although it is one of the smallest institutes at the CAS with only about 45 research faculties, the ITP covers almost all fields of theoretical physics, ranging from particle physics, nuclear physics, atomic and molecular physics, condensed matter physics, biophysics, all the way to gravity, astrophysics and cosmology, as well as quantum field theory and string theory, quantum physics, soft matter physics, statistical physics etc. In these studies, the ITP has achieved a great deal as manifested by, e.g., 12 National Natural Science Awards or National Science and Technology Progress Awards, and more than 30 Ministry- or Province-level science and technology awards.

The ITP has been very successful in cultivating innovative talents. Among those who have been working or studying at the ITP, two were awarded the Medal of Merit for the Development of China's Nuclear and Space Program; 17 were selected as academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences or Chinese Academy of Engineering; more than 60 have been awarded various international or national prizes.

The ITP has been “open” to scientists from all over the world for exchanging ideas and developing collaborations. We hosted several hundred of guest scientists every year. We are working hard to push forward such an “openness”, mainly through the CAS Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics and the Peng Huan-Wu Innovation Research Center for Theoretical Physics, by organizing forums on frontiers of science, interdisciplinary colloquia and various meetings and hosting guest scientists including Peng Huan-Wu Visiting Professors. 

I wish that I will have the opportunity to welcome you, either scientists or postdoc and students, at the ITP. Let us work together to advance the ITP toward a higher level center of excellence for research, a better base for cultivating talents and a better platform for exchanges and collaborations. 

Shan-Gui Zhou

Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences