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President of the Kavli Foundation Dr. Robert W.Conn visited KITPC and met with vice president of Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) Zhan Wenlong
2009-12-16     Text Size:  A

Vice president of Chinese Academy of Sciences Zhan Wenlong met with new president of the Kavli Foundation Robert W. Conn and vice president of science project Miyoung Chun on Dec.16th. They made a deep discussion on how to strengthen international cooperation and exchange of KITPC and how to promote the development of basic discipline such as theoretical physics. Before it, Dr. Conn delegates visited KITPC, and made informal meeting with general vice director of bureau of basic science of CAS Liu Minghua, general vice director of international cooperation bureau of CAS Cao Jinghua, and director of ITP Wu Yueliang, vice director Mu Kexiong and Chen Xiaosong, Academician Ouyang Zhongcan. 

Director Wu Yueliang, vice director Chen Xiaosong and Academician Ouyang Zhongcan presided over the meeting. Director Wu Yueliang extended thanks for Dr. Conn’s visit soon after he became president of the Kavli Foundation. During the meeting, general vice director of bureau of basic science CAS Liu Minghua extended his warm welcome for Dr.Conn delegates and thanks for the Kavli Foundation for its donation to KITPC and support for the basic research of Chinese science. Director Wu Yueliang briefly introduced the establishment of KITPC, its running mode, and its achievements since it started to run programs in May 2007. Afterwards, Dr. Zhuang Ci of KITPC program manager made detailed introduction to the workflow, emphasis and feature of each program, and the cooperation between KITPC and other top institutes of the world. Dr. Chun was very excited about what KITPC achieved in the last year and she said compared to what she saw in June 2008, KITPC had more kinds of scientific research activities, wider area of frontiers of science and 200 more participants and it showed that KITPC’s reputation became better and better in the world. Dr. Conn praised the KITPC running model and achievements, and he believed that KITPC can contribute more to the development of theoretical physics of China and the world in the future. Recently, the Kavli Foundation is promoting to build up the network among the 15 Kavli Institutes around the world and the scientists and academic exchange between each other. In the meeting, the general vice director Cao Jinghua briefly introduced the current situation of CAS’s support for international exchange and cooperation including the Sino-US young scientist forum founded by the Kavli Foundation. At last, all the attendants of the meeting talked about the possible exchange and cooperation between CAS and the Kavli Foundation and other Kavli institute of the world in the future.

Afterwards, vice president of CAS Zhan Wenlong met with president of the Kavli Foundation Dr.Conn and all the attendants of the meeting. They talked about subjects of common concerns and the continuous cooperation between the Kavli Foundation and CAS. Dr. Conn is excited about the achievements and international reputation made by KITPC within two years with the support of CAS. He said there are over 500 scientists and 200 students from all over the world participating in KITPC programs this year and the two goals of KITPC have been fulfilled and he believes that with the support of CAS, KITPC will make more achievements. Vice president of CAS, Zhang Wenlong and Dr. Conn are both scientists of plasma and nuclear physics. They talked about future cooperation of these areas between China and US. With the platform of KITPC, theoretical physics can be widely applied to other research areas such as astrophysics and nano science.

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