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2008 Complex Systems Summer Schools June 30-July 25, 2008 Beijing, China
2008-06-25     Text Size:  A
Sponsored by SFI in cooperation with The Institute of Theoretical Physics, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Co-directors: Dr. David P. Feldman, College of the Atlantic and SFI, and Dr. Chen Xiao-song, Institute for Theoretical Physics, CAS.

The Complex Systems Summer School offers an intensive four-week introduction to complex behavior in mathematical, physical, living, and social systems for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in the sciences and social sciences. The school is for participants who want background and hands-on experience to help prepare them to do interdisciplinary research in areas related to complex systems.

The school consists of an intensive series of lectures, laboratories, and discussion sessions focusing on foundational ideas, tools, and current topics in complex systems research. These include nonlinear dynamics and pattern formation, scaling theory, information theory and computation theory, adaptation and evolution, network structure and dynamics, adaptive computation techniques, computer modeling tools, and specific applications of these core topics to various disciplines. In addition, participants will formulate and carry out team projects related to topics covered in the school.

Further details about school see http://www2.itp.ac.cn/conference.php?cID=csss08

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