Zhan Wenlong, vice president of CAS, meets with Dr.Robert Conn, president of the Kavli Foundation on Sep.27, 2012 in ITP. They conduct an in-depth discussion about the future development of KTIPC and how to enhance the development of basic disciplines research of ITP. Dr. Conn also meets with Prof. Zou Bingsong, director of ITP, and Chen Xiaosong, vice director of ITP, and Academician Ouyang Zhongcan
Director Zou Bingsong extends a warm welcome to Dr. Conn and expresses sincere gratitude to the Kavli Foundation for their great support for KITPC and China’s scientific research He says scholars from China and the world benefits a lot from the successful operation of KITPC.ITP newly elected leaders will make continuous support for KITPC in the future. Dr. Conn is glad for ITP’s continuous support for KITPC. He suggests that as one the sixteen Kavli Institutes, KITPC can play a bigger role in collaborating with other institutes and that helps improving KITPC’s research level and building up international reputation.
After the meeting with vice president Zhan Wenlong, Dr. Conn makes a brief discussion with research fellows of ITP. He hopes research fellows of ITP make connection with researchers of other Kavli institutes. Director Zou Bingsong, vice director Chen Xiaosong, Academician Ouyang Zhongcan, Academician Zhang Zhaoxi, professors Cai Ronggen, Qin Shaojin, Yu Ming, Zhou Haijun, Zhou Shangui, Shu Jing are present a t the meeting.